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Lafayette, Louisiana
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and just not giving a fuck.


I had forgotten

what it was like to be a college freshman until today. First off, I was 10 minutes late for class and I'm sure they were at least 10 minutes early, if not more. Secondly, I'm sitting there with only a pen and a folded piece of paper that I carry around in my back packet, and when I look down to the next level of seats, I see the most atrociously pink, highlighted power-point slides. I'm talking super pink: each line was underlined, each slide was traced, and I'm sure there was even a hint of drawn flowers here and there. Not to mention, almost each one had their own daily planner neatly penciled in with shit like "Biology: Read chapter 3, and remind [insert stupid, sorority girl's name] to bake cupcakes for our measly philanthropic event right before we go get smashed!" Come on, really? So maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit, but I did have to stifle my laughter. Oh how three years at the next level of education changes you.

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